Saturday, May 3, 2008

Article Marketing - How Much Is Too Much?

That is an odd question. It is kind of like asking How much money is too much money? In a nutshell the answer is you can never write too many articles.

In the business of Article Marketing every article that you write means money. It would only make sense that the more articles you can create the more money you can make. The key to succeeding in Article Marketing is writing. You must write today, tomorrow and continue to write every day after that.

When you begin your article writing career it can seem a bit daunting, especially if you are someone who is not used to sitting at your computer for hours per day. I had been a jock in high school and never took any real creative writing or journalism related courses so the thought of having to write articles every day seems overwhelming. Once I decided that I was going to write every day I got used to it and it got easier. I am sure it will be the same for you.

To be one hundred percent honest, there is no such thing as too much when it comes to writing articles. The key to Article Marketing is writing. The more articles you write and get out there then the more traffic will be directed to your website. Of course more traffic is directly related to more profit.

How many articles are you writing per day now? If you want to driver traffic to your website and grow your business you need to write more. How many articles you are writing per day really does not matter. My point is, no matter how many you write, when you think you are done for the day, you should write more.

How much is too much? This isnt a question that you should be asking. The question that you should be asking is, How much money do I want to make? Articles equal traffic and we all know that traffic equal profit. If you are not generating the cash flow that you want or need then you are not spending enough time writing articles.

Would you like to know how to use Article Marketing to drive traffic to your website?

Get my complimentary Report HERE and start the stampede today!

How To Double Or Triple Your Business Profitability Writing Simple 400 Words Articles

Article marketing is without a doubt one of the most effective ways to advertise on the Internet. If you don't know what is article marketing, you really want to get started today because of the numerous advantages of this traffic generation method.

Why is writing articles so critical for your online business? Why is it important that people read your articles even before they see your products?

1. The first concept you are going to discover is that content is king on the Internet. The more articles you can write, the more money you will make. It's a simple formula. I will go even further and say that you should put an important part of your advertising budget into content instead of simple ads.

Why? Because your content will be "sticky" on the Internet for years to come while your ads are only short lived.

2. Another important aspect of article marketing to consider is that your website will get better search engines. How is this possible?

Whenever you write an article, you should add a bio box with an anchor link pointing back to your website. This will count as a vote for you and your site will raise in the pages of results.

This will bring even more customers into your marketing funnel.

3. Credibility. The more articles you syndicate all other the web, the more exposure and branding you will get. People in your niche will start to see your niche on many websites and you will gain the status of guru. A guru is an expert in the niche.

I remember the first time I received an email from one of my subscribers. She told me that I was a guru. I never pretend to be a guru, but your customer put you in this position because they think you are one.

4. Article marketing is not a fad. In fact, the Internet is a web of millions and millions of articles.

Be sure to write and submit articles because your business will become much more profitable. The more articles you syndicate and the more money you make. Don't over complicate anything.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at: http://www.mynetmarketingland.com/article-marketing/

How To Increase the Sales Conversion Rate on Your Website

No wonder people get frustrated with the web. They wrack their brains trying to find a catchy and 'searchable' web URL, spend a fortune on web design, struggle with the web content, then think that just putting an online version of their brochure will do... And...nada. No sales. Sure, there might be plenty of traffic further down the line, but there are still hardly any sales... Help!

How do you turn this problem around, and start making your website work for you rather than against you?

First, lets look at what conversion is. In a nutshell, it is about turning (converting) visitors into paying customers.

The sad fact is that approximately 70% of people who are ready, willing and able to buy online don't complete the sale.

Many people concentrate on linking, PPC ads and other means of directing traffic to their websites, but, as youve probably experienced, getting people to your website is one thing. Getting people to buy from your site is another thing altogether.

Also, you have to make sure you are attracting the right kind of visitors in the first place. There is no point trying to sell pension policies to 17-year-olds, for example.

So, lets assume you are getting the right kind of people hitting your site. These people are looking for what you are offering. How do you convince them to buy from you?

For the sake of brevity, we will look quickly at copywriting which is essentially what your website is saying to your visitors. It is the words you use that essentially turn your products into cash

With a website you are completely depending on the power of your words to qualify visitors, present your sales pitch, close the sale and take the order.

All without scaring off your prospect.

Seemingly, there are many factors at play. But the main one is to always write with your target audience in mind that is, the very people you wish will become customers.

Think about what it is they want from your product or service (hint: have you asked your current customers why they bought from you, and no one else?). How does what you have make a difference in your customers lives? How does it make their life easier, better, richer? What is the true value of what you are offering? That kind of thing

And then you put an appealing picture in your readers head through simple yet clever and attractive words. Not any old words. mind. But rather those pertaining to your product and the needs, wants and/or desires of your prospects.

Here, you have to make sure you spell out the benefits of buying your product or service.

What you want here is not to sell your product or its features, but rather the ***solutions*** it offers your prospects.

OK, so lets assume you are more than happy that your web copy and content does this at least adequately. Still, are you certain you have removed any and all doubts and other barriers to making a purchase? Something as simple as not allowing an alternative way to make a purchase can mean the difference between sale and no sale.

Also, look at your web analytics tools. These will tell you where your visitors leave, which pages they look at, for how long, etc.

You could try changing the headline on one of your pages and test it to see if you are getting more conversions. This seemingly simple act has been known to increase conversions by up to 50% or even more.

Copyright, 2007 T Dooley, Creative Consultant - PR Guru - Marketing Diva

Want to use this article? Not a problem! But please give credit where it's due. You MUST include the following:

Tracey "Word Doctor" Dooley of MediaMinister (http://www.mediaminister.co.uk) is an experienced Creative Consultant - PR Guru - Marketing Diva offering agencies, solopreneurs, non-profits and businesses of all sizes Business Writing - Editorial Expertise - Marketing Solutions and more.

Get your F.REE gift by taking one minute to sign up to another fr.eebie, Communiqu for Success: http://www.mediaminister.co.uk

If you want to learn more, specific ways to increase flagging conversion rates including using web analytics to your advantage, the 5 ***simple steps to making any website sell***, the biggest mistakes that most websites make and more then point your browser to:


Productive Article Marketing - Discover 5 Amazing Secrets to Make Money With Article Marketing

Article marketing is one of the best website promotion strategies that aims to direct free traffic to your site. It is very simple, cost-effective, yet very powerful in terms of driving online users to your site and improving your page ranking.

Here are the 5 amazing secrets to make more money with article marketing:

1. The main element that will have a huge impact on your article marketing campaign is the quality of your articles. If you want them to have massive clickthrough rates and be widely distributed, your articles must be targeted, easy to understand, and flow well. In addition, they must be useful to your target market and they must contain relevant information that are usually search for by your potential audience.

2. In order to increase your clickthrough rates, you must be able to catch the attention of online users. One of the best ways to do that is by using attention-grabbing, intriguing titles.

3. To make your articles search-engine friendly, you must know how to incorporate relevant keywords on your copies. In order for your articles to be easily indexed by search engines, make sure that your primary keywords are strategically placed on your headline, first and last 100 words of your article, and a couple of times on your article body.

4. To ensure that your articles will be posted online, they must be publisher-friendly. To convince publishers to post your articles, they must be of high quality and targeted on certain niche. They must also be free from blatant advertising and inappropriate content.

5. Your articles must be memorable. When you are able to produce articles that are interesting to read and packed with useful information, your readers will simply not be able to easily forget about that. This can result to their continued patronage to your writings.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.